How Much Super Should I Have? It’s all very well having retirement savings as a financial goal, but just how much should you plan to have in your super balance now, and when you retire? Above or Below Average? Assuming you’ve been in the workforce for a few months, years, or even decades, your retirement …
Category Archives: Superannuation
How Will An Inheritance Affect Your Children
Australia has emerged from a mix of wonderful cultures, many of which came to our country in search of a new life in a new country with great promise. The courage and commitment our forefathers brought with them from often difficult lives elsewhere has been the basis from which the Australian ethos of “never give …
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It’s Not Really A Sacrifice
If you are earning more than you need to live comfortably, salary sacrificing may be an attractive option to reduce your tax, boost your superannuation and prepare for a more comfortable retirement later on. Salary sacrificing simply involves having part of your salary paid into a superannuation fund by your employer rather than receiving it …